Posted by: Susan | February 9, 2010

Three Tips for Surviving in an Unhappy Workplace

Even if you recognize that you are unhappy in your job, it still may be tough — or even impossible in these economic times — to move on to a new position. Staying put may be your only option, but it doesn’t have to make you miserable. Here are three things you can do make the most of an imperfect situation:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings. Be honest with yourself about what is making you unhappy. If you can’t move on now, don’t try to convince yourself that you’re happy. Accept the situation and know you’ll have to deal with it for the near future.
  2. Be proactive. If leaving your job isn’t an option now, start preparing for the time when it will be. Learn a new skill or take on a tough project.
  3. Accentuate the positive. It’s easy to focus only on the negative. Find good things about your job — a fun colleague, an interesting project — and let those provide you with the energy you need to hang in.
 This article was adapted from “How to Survive in an Unhappy Workplace” by Pat Olsen.

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